Thursday 18 June 2015

Just in time

The holy month that's long awaited by Muslims all across the globe has finally reached. Ramadhan is here! A whole month of fasting, the purpose mainly to remember our Muslim brothers and sisters who are suffering from hunger. It is also for us to prepare ourselves for whatever is coming towards us in the future. 

Most Muslims have a goal to achieve in this holy month. Either to khatam the Quran in a month, to fully dedicate ourselves to ibadah by doing Qiamulail every night or to create a stronger bond between them and Allah SWT. For me, and as for probably other female Muslims, my goal is to wear the hijab throughout Ramadhan. I want to know how it feels like to cover my Aurah fully. I'd like to think this as a practice run for me wearing hijab in the future.

I've been thinking about covering my Aurah for a very long time now. I've always been contemplating on whether I should cover my Aurah and especially since I'm still young (Well, I think I'm young lol) But I've been having these thoughts, what would happen to me when suddenly God takes away my life. Or if Kiamat arrives and I have done nothing but disobey God's orders. These thoughts scares me and I think about them almost every night before I go to sleep. 

Even when I have these thoughts, I still think "Aww no, I'll just take my time. I don't think any of that is gonna happen soon" And I hate that. That there's a tiny voice saying its okay. Its not. So I prayed to God to give me signs or some guidance for me to be a better Muslim. To my surprise, He answered my prayers.

I attended this motivational training for teens. It's supposed to train us to be a future leader. It combines Islam and social science, I believe? And I was fully sponsored by an anonymous sponsor. Attending that training opened my eyes. About how many sins I've commit. How many times I've neglected the Creator. How many times I've never been grateful for what he has given me. 

Attending that training triggered something in me. That it was time. And the training was a few days before Ramadhan. So I thought it was the perfect timing for me to dedicate myself to Allah SWT. I don't want to make empty promises. So this Ramadhan, I will try my hardest to commit myself to my religion and always remember my Creator. Hopefully, I will fully cover my Aurah even after Ramadhan, InsyaAllah.