Saturday 20 September 2014

I just...

Sigh, it's one of those days again. Where I keep scrolling down Instagram, Twitter and Tumblr. To see all those pretty girls, wearing clothes I can't wear, wearing makeup I don't have the confidence to wear. 

Sigh, I just want to be skinny.

I thought I was passed this phase but clearly I'm not. I don't get why I'm too lazy to do something to change. The way I eat, exercise. I'm insecure of the girls around me but I don't do shit to change that. Stupid me, really. Ugh, I'm just gonna dwell my sadness on Tumblr all night and make myself feel shittier than before. 

Oh, I learned how to play the guitar. Still working on the chords and the smoothness of my guitar-playing. Gonna try to achieve hard fingers as what Farid says, its sort of a thing you have to achieve to play the guitar well. My fingers hurt though, but what the hell.